The Military Replica Paintball Gun
A Military Replica Paintball Gun is designed to emulate the look and feel of a real weapon. Contrary to popular belief (and marketing attemps) a paintball marker in the shape of a Military Replica Paintball Gun is no more of a sniper gun then a regular paintball marker. Both types of guns still operate with the same basic principals of paintball. Check out my other article about
Military Replica Paintball Guns.
RAP4 (Real Action Paintball) has created some of the most advanced realistic marking systems yet, check out some of their .68 and .43 caliber products. Real Action Paintball - RAP4
The Military Replica Paintball Gun has various options available from different manufacturers. Some manufacurers will sacrafice performance for looks and others will sacrafice looks for performance. Military Replica Paintball Gun manufacturer's have a few hurdles to jump to make their product look real. One if the first large hurdles is the hopper, The large box that sits on top of your paintball gun can kinda look silly when everything else looks so real. Second the Co2 or Compressed air tank can add weight and damage the looks of the marker. This is why most players with a Military Replica Paintball Gun will use a remote line and carry the tank on their body instead of attaching it to the marker.

BT-4 Assault Paintball Marker
BT BT-4 Banshee Paintball Gun - Woodgrain

BT Delta Tactical Paintball Marker


MilTec MT-75 MP5 Paintball Gun

Buy-Az-Tacamo Type-68 D Tactical Paintball Gun

Real Action Paintball T68 Genocide